Harmful Algal Blooms (AKA HABs)

Uncategorized May 18, 2024

Last summer our outdoor water program didn't end on a high note. There was a HAB (harmful algae bloom) at Assunpink Lake on Saturday, 8/26/2023, right before we were going to hold our Canine Water Sports Test.

We had been monitoring the water quality at this site all summer by working with The Watershed Institute and doing our own testing with this test kit (Amazon affiliate link). The lake had been placed at watch status (Blue) at the boat launch area. The rapid tests we performed at our swim location enabled us to continue swimming at the location while feeling our dogs were safe. Unfortunately, the algae bloom exploded during the week before our CWS swim test. At the time, we posted pictures in our 4 Paws Adrift FB Group and our newsletter. We felt that once you saw the pictures, it would be much easier for you to recognize when there is a toxic bloom.

We reported our findings on the NJ DEP HAB site. If you see a HAB, please report it using this linkYou should always check the NJ DEP Events System, before using NJ bodies of water, but remember all bodies of water aren't tested routinely and the site does not update instantly so be sure to educate yourself on what to look for to keep you and your best friend safe!

Depending on the extent of the bloom, it can take months for the environment to recover. Please see the NJ DEP site for more information on CyanoHABs.

Because these blooms are happening in bodies of water that have remained healthy in the past, 4 Paws Adrift is planning a pool based alternative to our outdoor swim program and tests. Stay tuned for exciting updates on next summer's outdoor offerings and our new 4 Paws Adrift pool based titling program... 


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